
Kim Kelly
(Paws & Scout)
I lived in San Diego, CA prior to transferring to Georgia with my work. In Southern CA, I received exceptional integrative medical care. Once here, I interviewed doctors from Savannah to Jacksonville and was even willing to drive up to 300 miles to receive the care I was accustomed to (and deserve). Fortunately, I found Libby Gibson in my local area. She is the “real deal”, a truly committed informed women’s health care professional whose commitment is not driven by financial gain. Libby has had challenges with her own health which has only increased her commitment to women. So much of the difficulties we experience as we age can be greatly minimized if not entirely avoided with the proper diagnosis and care. I entrust my health care needs entirely to Libby and you can to.
My life was further complicated when I contracted Lyme Disease here on Saint Simons Island. This challenging auto-immune disease has ruined many lives. Although I also received care through a specialist for this disease, Libby’s additional knowledge about auto-immune diseases was an even greater support for me because she gave me her time in addition to her expertise.

Tina Kicklighter

Angela Griffin
When I first came to Libby, I was miserable. I was tired, no energy, anxious, insomnia, and having migraine headaches. I would be up till all hours of the night with hot flashes. I was taking anxiety and antidepressant medications every day. I tried to exercise and watch my diet on a daily basis, but I continued to gain weight. I was seeing a Doctor who gave me hormone pellets and told me I was going through menopause and depression. He never did any type of blood work, just went by my symptoms and what I was telling him. I was having a very difficult time, very frustrated but didn’t feel that I was depressed! I was told that I would never be able to get pregnant, and if I did I would not be able to carry a baby.
I really felt this was how it was going to be for the rest of my life and I would have to accept it. I came to Libby in 2010 with little hope. Libby sat down and talked with me, cried with me, and listened to me. She began doing different types of blood work that I needed. As the results started coming in, it showed I was not going through menopause; however I did have a hormone imbalance and a thyroid disorder. Libby began taking me off all my prescription medications and starting me on natural vitamins and supplements that she saw fit.
I began feeling balanced; having energy, no hot flashes, losing weight, and my mood swings improved so much. I started eating better and working out again with Libby’s guidance.
As I continue to see Libby and keep a check on my levels, I feel I am in the best health of my life; not only physically, but emotionally, and spiritually. In August of 2013, I received the shock of my life. I found out I was pregnant. In April of 2014, I turned 40 years old and two weeks after that I delivered a healthy, beautiful baby girl!

Tammy Bennett
I started seeing Libby in December of 2013. I was about to go on a trip to Las Vegas, and I felt so bad at that point in time that I asked her if I was really ok to travel (I certainly didn’t want to end up in a Vegas hospital).
It’s hard to sum it all up in a couple of paragraphs, but I will try.
Looking back on my childhood, I was always a little more tired than others, always the first one ready for bed at night, all to ready for a Sunday nap (when I was 12!!), constipated, thin hair, painful periods, on and on. Fast forward to my 30’s- recognized all of these symptoms were still present and asked different practitioners on 4 different occasions to test my thyroid. It always came back within normal range. Fast forward to 40 – lethargically tired (I couldn’t hardly hold my head up and eyes open after dropping kids off at school- would come back home and go back to bed for 2 hours-and still wake up EXHAUSTED), cold all the time(except for hot flashes during the night), anxious, frequent urination, frequent headache, neck aches, finger tips and toes numb, frequent sore throat, sensitivity to sound(and I love some good music turned up loud), no libido, just muddling through the day to get back to bed that night! Then my heart began to have periodic racing – no strenuous activity and my heart rate would be 150’s/160’s and I would be very short of breath – and that is when I made my appointment with Libby.
Libby took the time to LISTEN to all of my woes and I can’t sing her praises enough. After labs, she began treating my adrenal fatigue and hypothyroidism and I began to feel better immediately. She adjusts dosages according to periodic lab work so you know you are taking a supplement that your body actually needs and how much you need. If I have a new issue arise I can easily schedule a phone visit with her and not have to go to an office and wait an hour or longer to be seen. Thank you Libby Hayes. I FEEL SO MUCH BETTER which is why it’s taken me so long to sit down and type this. My days are full and productive again!!

Dianne Vickers
2020 through 2023 updates
In 2019, after a yearly visit to my gynecologist and family doctor & blood pressure checkup, I was feeling very badly about myself. I ached. I was bloated/swollen. I had hot flashes. I wasn’t sleeping. I was miserable. My family doctor said the same thing my gynecologist said. “You aren’t 19 anymore. You have thyroid issues. You are in menopause. You aren’t going to feel as good as you did when you were younger.” My thyroid numbers were in the normal range so my low dose of meds were not adjusted. Nothing was offered for menopause symptoms. I was told move more, eat less.
I saw a friend’s post on Facebook saying she had begun seeing a nurse practitioner in Waycross that had helped her with her fibromyalgia issues as well as other issues she was having. She had dropped several pants sizes and was feeling better than she had in years. I immediately contacted her and got the information.
My first visit with Libby at South Georgia Center for Optimal Wellness was June 9, 2020. I weighed 214 pounds. I was 5’6” and 56 years old. I took my lab results from my gynecologist visit and showed them to Libby. Initially she said my thyroid number could be better and adjusted my meds from 30mg to 60mp, eventually increasing them again to 90mg. She ordered more lab work.
Libby asked me health questions and listened to me when I answered her. She did not just go by the numbers. Libby asked me to eliminate certain foods from my diet and to begin Intermittent Fasting. I eliminated the following foods: gluten, sugar, soy, soda, fruit juices and corn. She also said to increase my water intake to half my body weight in ounces. She also suggested I purchase some supplements; I purchased Zinc, B12, Vitamin D, a probiotic and omega oil capsule. Since then I have added Adrenal support and a melatonin.
I left that day feeling more hopeful than I had in years.
I went back on June 23rd for my second visit so Libby could explain my lab work, to get a compounded progesterone, and for testosterone pellet insertion. I’d lost 5 pounds. (I wish I had measured!). My clothes were already more comfortable. I was wearing a size 16 jeans that probably should have been an 18.
Since my initial visit on June 9, 2020, I’ve lost 25 pounds and dropped to a size 14 jeans. That is only one pant size but if you look at the before and after photos, you can tell a HUGE difference.
I felt so much better! My belly no longer looks pregnant. I no longer have aching bones, joints and muscles. I can think! The brain fog is so much better. I am sleeping almost all night now. I am more rested and alert.
I can get in the floor and play with my grandchildren and not be in pain the next day. I actually tossed the football with my grandson a few weeks ago! I couldn’t have done that three and a half years ago.
I cannot say THANK YOU LIBBY loud enough or often enough! If it weren’t for her knowledge and encouragement, where would I be today? I’ll tell you – I would still be overweight, sick, and miserable.
Someone called me “Skinny” last week! Me! Skinny! Healthy was the goal, but I’ll take skinny too.
Start Weight – June 2020 – 214 pounds
Current Weight – February 2021 – 189 pounds
Goal Weight – June 2021 – 165-170 pounds
Goal Weight: 148 pounds – Size 4
Age 48.
My 20-year journey began many years ago when I was in my late 20s. I can remember it like it was yesterday. My husband and I were in a store shopping when all of the sudden something happened to me. I started sweating, got light-headed, and my heart felt like it was going to beat out of my chest. I had an overwhelming feeling of fear; I had to get out of there. This was the first of what I came to understand were panic attacks. They began to happen with such frequency they started to take over my life.
Over the next several years I saw doctor after doctor with no real answers beyond the fact I started having panic attacks. I was prescribed anti-anxiety medication but that often times made me feel worse. I started to wonder about my sanity. I knew, however, there had to be something else going on but had no idea what that might be.
I was finally get diagnosed with low thyroid and was put on synthetic thyroid hormone replacement (Synthroid) but still struggled with severe panic attacks. I was never offered hormone testing or other thyroid treatment alternatives. The panic attacks had now become absolutely debilitating. It got so bad that for about 2 years and was unable to leave home for fear of having another panic attack! Thank goodness I have an awesome husband who struggled through it with me.
Fast-forward many years later to the age of 37. I found out I was expecting a baby! I was so scared I didn’t know how I would ever get through it in my state of mind. During the entire pregnancy, however, I never had a panic attack and felt the best I had felt in years. After delivery the panic attacks resumed. Clearly there was a hormonal connection.
I started researching more and talking to doctors (primary care physicians, OBGYN, and endocrinologists) but no one seemed to really think that could be my problem. So, once again, I struggled daily to get through. I tried not letting anyone know how bad I felt. Nevertheless, I missed out on a lot with my precious child. I could not go on field trips, to parties, or theme parks for fear of having a panic attack; I felt like I was cheating her. She didn’t understand why mommy couldn’t do those things with her.
In 2015, I’d had enough. My husband and I discussed me seeing Libby. Libby’s approach was multifaceted and comprehensive. It included nutrition, hormone, thyroid and adrenal support with individualized supplements and bio identical hormone replacement including progesterone for extreme anxiety and testosterone pellet therapy to address multiple symptoms such as fatigue, sleep disturbance, and cognitive impairment.
Within a month I would tell a difference. I have not had a panic attack in more than 9 months. I am able to do things that I never thought I could so. She really listened to me, is understanding and compassionate. I thank the Lord for leading me to her and for giving her the knowledge for helping people like me.
I have not felt as well as I do now in more years than I can remember. I have learned so much with the help and patience from Libby and Mrs. Anna that I can take care of myself now while continuing to take care of others. It is such a blessing to have someone who can understand and explain to me why I felt the way I did.
She has truly been a blessing to me and I am so grateful that I was led to her. I could never thank her enough for literally giving me my life back!
I encourage anyone who is struggling with anxiety, depression or any other symptoms THAT MAY BE RELATED TO HORMONE IMBALANCE to reach out to her.”